Today, I've taken a break from the film watching, I've got a bit a creative - sewing round a problem.
Recently I bought a Hugmeister pillow. Its great and really supportive while I'm sleeping (I'm one of those 'how many knots can I tie myself in' sorts of sleepers). Its 110 cms long and only comes with one pillowcase. You can buy new pillowcases, but they cost £6 each and only come in 6 colours. I decided I would rather 'save the money'. Funny thing is, making the cases myself only actually saved me £1...So what shaped my decision not to buy off the internet? I think it comes down to patience and choice.
To be honest, its not a strong suit of mine. I hate waiting. I am not very patient for well, anything. Having waited the couple of days for my pillow to arrive I didn't want to wait any longer. Making my own meant I now have two more cases in less than a day after I first desired a few more. It eliminated my need for patience. I reckon I am learning patience in enough areas of my life to choose speed on this occasion.
To be fair to them, they did give me the opportunity to choose between 6 colours. But whilst I like block colours none of them really fitted in with my creamy yellow walls. So I went to my local haberdashers and bought these two patterns. The peacock is really striking, its a statement piece in an otherwise very grown-up space, the flowery one on the other hand is a happy on-trend blend with my room. I liked the freedom to choose between some 22 prints of varying brightness and patterns.
I think as a woman today living in the UK I have got really rather used to my own freedom of choice and access to my desires right here right now.
Whilst working on my giant pillowcases I was listening to a radio play of 1984. This too made me think about patience and choice. The Big Brother society denies people a choice, to the extent that it even tells people what to think. The people who are really free are the Proles who can sing and think, and dance outside of Big Brother. What even is choice anyway? Surely more than choosing my own pillowcases!
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