Monday, 13 January 2014

New Year, New Me, well ish, kinda

Hi Everyone,

How are you? How is January going? Set yourself a series of super goals?

I like the idea of goals and the high you get off achieving them so I've set some: I'm off alcohol and coffee for January - I want to know I can do life, even when its tough, dark and cold without these things - turns out it can be tricky but so far so good.

Having said that I read this article on LinkedIn over New Year that said he'd given up Goals because he finds they don't make him happy in the long run. And I kinda understand that - you run at all these targets thinking they'll make you happy because you will have achieved something; but actually it lasts like 5 minutes and then I'm dissatisfied with something.

(image from: ASDA)

In the article he says he has put aside the immediate satisfaction of goals for longer term processes that bring him life. This means, especially where his gym technique is concerned, sometimes he misses out on short-term goals like a run, in favour of long-term health i.e. going home and not spraining a knee to reach the day's goal in favour of still being able to attend the gym tomorrow.

So I'm doing a bit of that as well. Trying to find processes that do me good. I'm trying for at least 3 sessions in the gym, if not 4 per week. I feel like this is semi-sustainable in the long-run; especially since I discovered gym branches near work which opens up the opportunities. But to be honest, exercise before work is still a bit of a stretch.

(image from Happy Place)

The other process, which I'm close to flouting right now is no tech after 10pm, and aiming at an 11pm bedtime. Luckily its just a guide so the occasional late night or tech-heavy evening isn't going to kill me. I got into a routine where bedtimes involved being snuggled up with my laptop - watching endless youtube videos or watching films. Whilst I always nodded off eventually I wondered if the times I was going to sleep (between midnight and 2 am) and all that brain activity before bed was really a good idea. The results of my findings are; I have some more energy in the mornings, I don't jump out of bed with a cry of joy, but some things seem easier, and my concentration is a bit better in the mornings. I think I need to wait a bit longer and see. But this process has been particularly hard to stick to, I love nights out with friends, and tech is a little bit addictive...right, its 10:10, I'm turning this off!

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