Hello You!
Its a pleasure to see you! Yes, I am looking a little peaky. Its been a rough week for me with a fever and vomiting bug which I've only just about recovered from. So its time to share with you all of the exciting adventures I got up to whilst I was away in the land of sea, sails and bicycles; the place where there are 5 pigs to every person and about as many bicycles! The place where there are holes in your money and people genuinely enjoy being in the gym at 5am! I had a great time away full of variety, a lot of Vikings and one or two brushes with Harald Bluetooth (did you know the symbol for bluetooth is Harald's initials in runic?!)
So as a brief introduction to the uninitiated Denmark consists of three main parts, the islands of Fyn and Zealand, and the Jutland peninsula. Denmark has many other islands (407!) and territories including the constituent countries, Greenland and the Faroe Islands. As you can see from the map I travelled across the Danish regions heading mainly east to west with a brief u-turn near the end to head north and home; I flew in to Copenhagen, had a stop-over in Odense, travelled to Ribe and then up to Aarhus. I took a week to do this but it was Easter - you could definitely do it quicker! More to follow with regard to transport.
What follows is a diary of the trip; complete with local stories and adventures - details of accommodation and things to see and do.
But firstly some sweeping generalisations in a big list:
1. Denmark is really expensive - accommodation, food, even public transport is at the pricey-er end. I never thought I'd go somewhere more expensive than London!
(Danish coins in my hand. Image: my own)
2. You don't need Danish to do well here - everything from bars and restaurants to museum panels and even local bus drivers is in English (and Danish).
3. People are so polite - I wasn't harassed once. I know that doesn't sound like much, but usually on my own people always ask me for money, think they can offer me money for sex, generally make statements about me. This was really refreshing.
4. Being a woman in Denmark doesn't seem to be a problem!
(Cinnamon rolls. Image: my own)
5. There is a strong emphasis on sustainability of food supplies and sustainable living.
6. Its flat (except not THAT flat) so people bike everywhere.
7. You are never more than 30km from the sea.
8. The museums are ace. And their education system is really good!
(Aarhus Viking Museum. Image: my own)
9. Eating out - high quality, but high prices. I paid £28 for a piece of lamb one night, I know! But it was good lamb.
10. There will be Danish flags everywhere.
(Ribe Harbour. Image: my own)
Next installment: Copenhagen.
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